He Said: Avoiding responsibility
I always wasn't so sure of everything in my life. I remember as a young kid being on some family vacation and everyone joking that some day later in life (many years later) I would be torn over what girl to marry. Worse still, I would need to call my mother for her opinion. Sad fact of life, but true nonetheless. Not even sure why I remember random things like that.
I certainly don't want to live my life in hesitation. Each day I strive to be stronger and have greater conviction in all the decisions I face. I'm scared to death of waking up many years from now trapped in an unfilfilling and emotionless life. And yet that's exactly where I'll find myself should I become trapped by hesitation.
This really is the last moment in life that I'll ever be so free of responsibility. I have no mortgage or loans or kids (aside from the Puggle) to worry about. I really could just get up and roam the Earth so should I choose. But I couldn't stand to lose Girlfriend. And I would miss my family - and any future nieces or nephews.
Sometimes I think had my older Sister not gotten married so young, I would have moved to whatever city she happened to live in. It would have been fun. But she's married, and happily so for over 7 years. After spending my entire life in the midwest, I think I'm finally ready to try a new locale. I'm not sure how many more Chicago winters I can endure. I need the sun. I crave the sun. But alas, the Puggle would miss the snow. I wonder if SHE would be open to a move.