He Said, She Said: Guide to Relationships

Every good relationship has two sides. The bad ones tend to have one side (i.e. YOU'RE right, THEY'RE wrong). This is a story of a young couple finding their way and keeping their voice(s) while exploring the joys and woes of dating, love and travel.


Monday, March 06, 2006

HE SAID: Dance Lessons, Take 1

Looking into Girlfriend's eyes as we fumbled our way through the foxtrot during our very first dance lesson, I understood just how deeply I truly love this woman. Hell, it must be love if she inspired me to sign up for dance lessons by my own volition.

Whether she's singing "bushel and a peck" from Guys & Dolls absentmindedly while carrying dirty clothes around the apartment, or smiling wide as I step on her toes with my two left feet, I know without hesitation that this is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. Which by the way fellas, is a prerequisitive for signing you and your gal up for dance class.

Now while I may not be up there with the C-listers from "Dancing with the Stars," our dance instructor says I'm pretty good. Of course, I'm sure she says that to all the guys just so they return for the next lesson. Just so long as SHE is impressed with my dancing feet, it'll be enough for me.


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