snowy Chicago and tired puggles
The snow just won’t stop falling. Gotta love Chicago winters.
It seems like it has snowed almost a foot in the last 2 days, but I’m sure it’s less. The dogs sure enjoy romping around in it though. Lucky for us the snow hit just hours after we returned from a short vacation in sunny California.
We put the dogs up in a kennel. We like to call it “Doggie Camp” because they spend the entire time running around and playing with other dogs. At night, the dogs sleep slumber party style on top of each other. And then it’s right back to running around and playing in the morning.
Usually when we pick up the dogs, they literally pass out in our arms while we’re still in the car driving home. All that time playing (and with little sleep) makes for a tired puppy.
This was only the 2nd time our youngest puggle has ever stayed at the kennel and she wasn’t quite sure how to react when we arrived to take them home. Por puggle cried all the way home in the car.
I wonder if she was disappointed that we hadn’t gone away for good. Either that or she really had to pee.
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